Monday, May 11, 2020


Ever since  Corona pandemic is spreading its tentacles and engulfing many all over the globe the fear and anxiety of Asthma patients 
have increased manifolds
The main questions are "am I more susceptible because of weak lungs?""Can my steroids put me more at risk ?"Should I stop inhalers ?"
What can Ï take to boost immunity ?"How should I sanitise my inhaler and peak flow meter "
"But Ï took the flu vaccine so am I protected ?""Should I repeat the pneumonia vaccine , should I keep oxygen cylinder and nebuliser at
 home in case.I get into trouble?
To allay all the anxiety in one sentence I would urge to all Asthma patients that so far there is no scientific evidence that Asthmatics are 
more prone to infection due to Coronavirus or its complications. They need to follow the same rules of prevention like social distancing
,use of clean mask , hand washing and personal & environmental hygiene.
Taking specific questions it is recommended that they should continue to keep their Allergic rhinitis as well as Asthma under good control
with use of steroid nasal spray and inhalers so that rescue medicines are needed seldom. In fact seasonal allergies are at its peak therefore 
optimum control is desired. If you sway from this the emergency room visit might put you more susceptible to exposure to Corona though 
best practices are being followed in hospitals. In fact by proper control of Asthma with inhalers, nebulisation can be avoided which is the aerosol 
generating method and should be avoided during pandemic . Your inhaler and peak flow meter are your personal equipments , you should handle 
them after washing hands and clean them as you do on normal days. Sanitisers can be used if needed . If you keep good control of Asthma you will
 not need oral steroids or oxygen for emergencies. Asthma is a disease of airways , it is the reversible airway disease so don't think that your lungs are
 weak or your immunity is low. Keep eating normal healthy balanced food  , of course avoid your identified food allergens if any. Keep hydrated.
Don't use fumes or perfumes , dont smoke , don't take Aspirin , Brufen etc which are the usual precautions for all times.
The Influenza vaccine will protect you against those strains of viruses for which it is meant. No doubt Coronavirus affects lungs but taking  additional
pneumonia vaccine is not the answer . In any case Pneumonia vaccine is to prevent specific bacterial pneumonias.
Healthy food & no anxiety are the best for immunity. you don't need immunomodulators to prevent risk of Coronavirus infection.
Stay safe with discipline of avoiding Asthma triggers ,  Asthma control with proper medication &  positive attitude.
Follow all discipline to avoid corona virus as is applicable to general public.