Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Immunotherapy in allergic diseases.

Conclusions of Allergy conclave.

  • Allergy is a global problem with ever growing prevalence.
  • While pharma co therapy is good for control of symptoms , immunotherapy is the only answer for disease modification.
  • For effective immunotherapy allergen identification should be accurate.
  • Accurate allergen identification depends on purified allergenic extracts , right technique and selection of subjects.
  • It is common to have multi-allergen sensitivity in a patient, in such situation most appropriate allergen need to be selected based on scientific evidence.
  •  Detailed history is most crucial in allergen identification correlation.
  • SPT is the preferred method of  allergy tests , SIgE may be necessary only in select situations and certainly remote testing just by  sending blood to some laboratory must be condemned.
  • Purified extracts  with standardized  biological value should be available to deal with this problem.